Tuesday, May 22, 2007

NAR counters segment on Discount Agents

NAR countsers segment on Discount Agents:

"It didn't take the National Association of Realtors (NAR) long to come out swinging at CBS after the network aired a report on discount real estate brokers. The report, anchored by Leslie Stahl was aired on 60 Minutes last Sunday and can be seen in its entirety by visiting our the video link at the bottom of this article.

NAR certainly has some reasons to be aggrieved. Stahl started her segment by stating that real estate agents pulled in $60 billion in commissions last year. "They charge," she said, "a 6 percent commission on the price of every house they sell." She called the 6 percent "sacrosanct" and "sacred" and said that the rate has remained constant even as the price of houses had quadrupled over the years...."from Mortgage News Daily

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